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Kyocera Drivers For Mac Os X: Download and Install Guide


Even though this guide is written for the FS-1010, you may be able to install drivers for other Kyocera printers or even printers from other manufacturers as well using this guide. You may need to adapt the steps to your conditions and circumstances.

Kyocera Drivers For Mac Os X

On a 2016 MacBook Pro with macOS 10.14.4 beta (developer access to beta releases), just today, I spent hours today, and actually I haven't succeeded in 2-years, trying to install print drivers that work on my networked Kyocera Mita KM-4035 printer in my office. However, I have found a solution.

It's crucial to note that the newest drivers do not work on Mojave or any macOS version past 10.5 (I have not documented the testing earlier versions in the last two years, but since Kyocera offers drivers for those versions, I'm assuming they work for those versions, but I wouldn't bet on it.) The secret is to use Linux PPD drivers. I'm reading they worked on macOS 9, as well. Here is the source article:

Note that PPD probably has limitations that using TCP/IP does not. If not, I've read it has limitations compared to the capabilities of the Kyocera drivers using the HP Jetdirect - Socket. (It's working for printing what I want to print, though, so I'm elated.)

The Kyocera website contains drivers for Windows up to version 10 and Mac OS X 10.5 or later. However, an installation attempt seems to be unsuccessful. By chance I came across a post (now deleted) at It is recommended to proceed as follows.

Owning a MAC no longer has to be a burden. Installing and using the Kyocera MAC printing system has become just as familiar as the Windows users have enjoyed for many years now. Finally a manufacturer that truly understands the need for multiple operating system print drivers has emerged!

Gutenprint, formerly named Gimp-Print, is a suite of printerdrivers that may be used with CUPS, the Common UNIX Printing System.CUPS is the printing system used by all modern Linux and UNIX systems.These drivers provide high quality printing for UNIX (includingMacintosh OS X 10.2 and later) and Linux systems that in many casesequal or exceed proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in quality andfunctionality, and can be used for demanding printing tasks requiringflexibility and high quality. This software package include anenhanced Print plugin for the GIMP that replaces the plugin packagedwith the GIMP in addition to the CUPS driver.

Gutenprint has been renamed in order to clearly distinguish itfrom the GIMP. While this package started out as the original Printplugin for the GIMP, it has expanded into a collection of generalpurpose printer drivers, and the new, enhanced Print plugin for theGIMP is now only a small part of the package. Furthermore, the nameGutenprint recognizes Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the movabletype printing press. Finally, the word guten is the Germanword for good.

The predecessor to this software package (the original Printplugin for the GIMP) was first written by Michael Sweet of EasySoftware Products and initially worked only as a print plugin to theGIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). In the summer of 1999, Ipurchased an Epson Stylus Photo EX printer to feed my photographyhobby. Finding no existing printer drivers, I adapted Mike's GIMPPrint plugin to this six-color printer, and by the end of the yearreleased version 3.0 of the Gimp-Print software, which was includedin version 1.1 of the GIMP. The intention was for this to be thestable plugin in version 1.2 of the GIMP while development of theGIMP Print plugin continued for later release.

The Gimp-Print 4.2 release proved to be far more successful thanwe ever imagined. First of all, it was wonderfully stable from theoutset; it was to be over 4 months before we needed to release anupdate. We added one major new feature shortly after release, supportfor the new Ghostscript driver architecture based on HP's HPIJSdriver. This driver architecture allowed drivers to be compiledindependently of Ghostscript (previously drivers had to be compiledinto Ghostscript, a somewhat daunting project for end users). Wecontinued to add more printers, dither algorithms, and so forth, allwithout breaking compatibility with the initial 4.2.0 release.

2002 was a very exciting year for Gimp-Print. Apple had releasedOS X for the Macintosh and was planning to rely on a lot of free/opensource software for key functions of the OS. In particular from ourstandpoint, many vendors had not updated printer drivers for OS X,and many did not want to update their drivers for older printers.Since OS X had settled on CUPS as the core of its printing systemfrom 10.2 on, and Gimp-Print had full support for CUPS, the fit wasvery obvious and Gimp-Print wound up becoming part of the OS Xprinting system. We were very busy that year preparing for release ofGimp-Print for OS X. This was done in 4.2.2, which we released almost9 months after the initial 4.2.0 release (which says something aboutthe stability of Gimp-Print 4.2). This release created a lot ofexcitement in the OS X world and for us, and we did three morereleases in quick succession culminating with Gimp-Print 4.2.5 inearly 2003.

Specifications and design are subject to change without notice. For the latest on connectivity visit ECOSYS, Prescribe, Command Center RX and KYOCERA Mobile Print are trademarks of the KYOCERA Companies. Mac and AirPrint are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Google Cloud Print is a trademark of Google, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Brother printers supporting PCL and PostScript are supported. Some models using proprietary drivers (e.g. XL2HB) currently only are supported to a limited extent (e.g. BRMFC9840). Due to a non-standard driver output our page counting ability on certain low end Brother devices is impacted. This includes the HL-5470, HL-5450 and HL-2250.

The current range of AcuLaser, AL, and EPL mono and color laser printers are fully supported by PaperCut. Please ensure the very latest drivers are installed. The majority of inkjets produced over the last 8 years supporting ESC/P2, ESC/PAGE and ESC/PAGE-COLOR will work. On some older inkjet printer models it may not be possible to detect paper size.

Gestetner supply a number of driver alternatives with their high-end printers, copiers, and multifunction devices (e.g. DSc338), usually including PCL5 and Postscript. PaperCut Software has tested recent releases of the Postscript and PCL drivers and found these are compatible. We recommend the use of Postscript drivers over other options such as RPCS or PCL.

Most Konica-Minolta devices offer multiple driver options, all of which should be compatible with recent versions of PaperCut. As for other brands we recommend the PostScript or PCL drivers where available.

Lanier supply a number of driver alternatives with their high-end printers, copiers, and multifunction devices - usually including PCL5 and PostScript. PaperCut Software has tested recent releases of the PostScript and PCL drivers and found these are compatible. We recommend the use of PostScript drivers over other options such as RPCS or PCL.

Océ printers and copiers support PostScript. Some Océ drivers use a proprietary header to set document attributes such as copy count, duplex, etc., which is supported by PaperCut but subject to change by Océ. PaperCut will work with most of the Océ wide-format devices, including custom support for selected proprietary CAD printing output.

Olivetti supply a number of driver alternatives with their multifunction devices - usually including PostScript. PaperCut Software has tested recent releases of the PostScript and PCL drivers and found these are compatible. We recommend the use of PostScript drivers.

PaperCut supports both RISO PostScript and GDI drivers. Support for RISO GDI drivers was added in version 9.3. The GDI drivers used with the RISO HC3R-HC5500 will require PaperCut version 10.0 or higher.

PaperCut supports most Samsung printers. Many Samsung printers (e.g. Samsung ML-2010, CLP-510) are supplied with proprietary GDI based drivers (QPDL) with no option for standard PostScript or PCL drivers. PaperCut Software has implemented support for most recent Samsung GDI printers. Model numbers and driver versions are constantly changing. PaperCut users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version and contact PaperCut support if any printers do not account as expected.

Savin supply a number of driver alternatives with their high-end printers, copiers, and multifunction devices - usually including PCL5 and PostScript. PaperCut Software has tested recent releases of the PostScript and PCL drivers and found these are compatible. We recommend the use of PostScript drivers over other options such as RPCS or PCL. 2ff7e9595c


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