Even if Tasha had stayed and detoxed, such programs frequently offer little in the way of aftercare unless they are paired with residential or outpatient counseling. Women who had detoxed, with or without medical assistance, reported that the process did nothing to address the triggers for their substance use. They spent up to a week in detox but then returned to the same environment and same social setting they had been in when they were using.
Have you played this game? You can rate this game, record that you've played it, or put it on your wish list after you log in. Playlists and Wishlists RSS Feeds New member reviews Updates to downloadable files All updates to this page Lore Distance Relationship by Naomi "Bez" Norbez profile 2020 (based on 10 ratings)5 reviews About the Story Follow user StaircaseHaven14 on a Neopets-esque site called Ruffians as she faces life's challenges, RPs with her long-distance BFF (or more than BFF?) Bee, and encounters familial hardship, from age 8 to 18.
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An ICIJ analysis of the secret documents identified 956 companies in offshore havens tied to 336 high-level politicians and public officials, including country leaders, cabinet ministers, ambassadors and others. More than two-thirds of those companies were set up in the British Virgin Islands, a jurisdiction long known as a key cog in the offshore system.
The leaked records listed Kenyatta and his mother as beneficiaries of a secretive foundation in Panama. Other family members, including his brother and two sisters, own five offshore companies with assets worth more than $30 million, the records show.
If you haven't heard your tweens or teens talking about Fortnite yet, chances are it's just a matter of time. Fortnite is a new video game available for consoles (like Xbox and PlayStation 4) and computers, and soon mobile devices, that anyone can download and start playing for free. Its developer, Epic Games, recently reported as many as 3.4 million concurrent players, and its popularity is still growing. That puts it on par with some of the biggest games around.
That's a decision every parent will need to make for themselves. The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has rated it "T" for Teen, which means ages 13 and up. That's a pretty good starting point, but you know your kids best. Some older tweens can handle the action easily enough, while some teens with a tendency to go a little overboard on their gaming might need supervision and limits placed on play time to reduce the risk of obsession.
Just choose a prank for the available options, enter in a little information, and hit go! The app will call them and sounds just like a real voice. It listens for them to talk and can interpret when it needs to respond with the next prompt on the script.
In a century of study, no one has managed to make these knots talk. But recent breakthroughs have begun to unpick this tangled mystery of the Andes, revealing the first signs of phonetic symbolism within the strands. Now two anthropologists are closing in on the Inca equivalent of the Rosetta stone. That could finally crack the code and transform our understanding of a civilisation whose history has so far been told only through the eyes of the Europeans who sought to eviscerate it.
We are the only country that has killed its own citizens in a farce and tragedy that is still killing people because of the asbestos released that day. 9/11/2001, and did it just to go to war with other countries for their oil and to make money for the 0ne percent that own 90 percent of the wealth. The right-wing Christians that have so little to do with Christianity are the worse threat to the constitution that has ever existed. We are a country based on religious freedom and we are supposed to separate church and state.
I Don t care what you say. Ive lived under my Carter to Biden and im telling you that under Reagan and Trump we saw more prosperity by all. Im a very poor white guy, and always have been. Ive been up a little better at times, but those times were under a conservative admin. I was in the poor house with Carter and Obama the worst till Biden came along, now im really sunk. 5 dollar a gal gasoline, buying less food (if you can find it) costing 25 dollars more a week, my meds have went thru the roof. You said something I really want to say something about, conservative Christian, that is what our forefathers built thi country on. God tells us plainly, a nation that forgets Him/God, that nation WILL be turned into hell. You may not BELEIVE that, but it makes it no less true. When this country was 85-90% Christian we were in good shape, the 20s came along people went wild, then the depression. People returned to the church things got better. The 60s came along then viet nam happened we got Carter and things went to hell again. People returned to the church for the most part Reagan came along things got better. Carter came along things sunk again. The bush boys and Clinton it just was middle of the road. Obama came along things sunk way down Trump came along things got better than I remember. People got their pockets fairly in shape and disregarded God again and we got biden, NOW LOOK WHERE WE ARE. CONSRRVATIVE CHRISTIAN WORKS. IT HAS ALL THRU HISTORY. LOOK AT THE ROMAN EMPIRE FOR EXAMPLE WHY DID IT FALL?? IT LEGALIZED HOMOSEXUALITY AND ANYTHING VILE. SAME WITH SODOM AND GAMORRAH. THE GREECIAN EMPIRE AND SO ON. GOD IS LONG SUFFERING BUT HIS PATIENCE WILL RUN OUT, I THINK WE AS A NATION HAVE WENT OVER THE LIMIT THIS TIME. JUST YESTERDAY THEY VOTED TO CODIFY HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE IN ALL 50 STATES, THAT JUST ENDRD ANY HOPE WE HAD WITH GOD, WE WILL BE TURNED INTO HELL. Sorry if this was harsh, but God is real and He will not be mocked.
I know a lot of people in the security industry, and I know a lot of people who enjoy Facebook. However, there's not much overlap between these groups. As someone who's in both groups, I'm an oddity. Many security experts either always steered clear of the social network or are currently advocating deleting it. I closely follow security topics and products such as antivirus utilities, and I also use Facebook, but carefully. I don't see any need to delete my Facebook account. But now that Facebook has made it so easy to download everything the social network has about me, I went ahead with that process. Perusing the resulting archive, I ran into some surprises, both positive and otherwise.
I found little use for a list of logins and logouts during the previous year. A list of Login Protection Data reveals cookies and IP addresses used or updated in the last year. The list ends with estimated locations based on IP addresses, just simple decimal latitude and longitude, with no link to a map view.
If you haven't yet done it, scroll back to the top of this article and follow the instructions to download your own archive. Page through it, think about it, do your best to get past the poorly designed parts. The archive isn't just evidence for you of what Facebook has on you. You can also make it a useful resource, assuming it doesn't inspire you to simply delete Facebook.
Multi-unit housing where smoking is allowed is a special concern and a subject of research. Tobacco smoke can move through air ducts, wall and floor cracks, elevator shafts, and along crawl spaces to contaminate units on other floors, even those that are far from the smoke. SHS cannot be controlled with ventilation, air cleaning, or by separating those who smoke from those who don't.
So, after 6 months of hard work finally released my application. Today I found the first web site where people download it cracked, and I was wondering if any of you fellow programmers know how to react to such stuff?
Is there anything the software author can do to get the cracked version offline, or I'm just boned and shouldn't create anymore software, but just work on client's projects? What's your advice? Anybody with experience in that?
edit: programming is what I do- so no question about whether or not continuing, just is that clients pay per project in real money, and I still don't know if indie development would pay at least for the time invested, and now with the cracked download I'm trying to evaluate what to do, and if there's way to react
The most elegant solution I've seen was putting text along the lines on "cracks, warez, keygens, torrent files, free downloads etc. harm the publisher of this software" in small text at the bottom of all your web pages. It games the PageRank and (hopefully) causes users searching to cheat you to be sent to your site.
If the software hadn't already been made available for free, you could cram it full of DRM and copy protection and so on.... which just get cracked. Microsoft must have spent billions trying to prevent people from pirating Windows. I still know a good handful of people who run pirated versions of Windows 7 with no problems.
And finally, because some people find it hard to accept that the world isn't black and white, and like to think that anyone who doesn't equate software pirates with some kind of evil zombie demon hitler are secretly pirates themselves, let me be absolutely clear:
A cracked version of 3DSMax had a nasty side behavior - each time it opened a model file it corrupted the vertex coordinates just a little bit more- not enough to be noticable on any given run, but over time, a lot of damage could take place. The cost of the program might be thousands, but the cost in time and dollars to repair the damage dwarfed that.
Make the product fantastic. Customers will eagerly await the latest version and not want to wait for a crack to appear. The users of poor products think, "I hate this product, it's full of bugs, but I haven't found anything better yet". That's inviting piracy.
I don't know for sure what I would do in your position, but at least one developer who found his cracked software available as a torrent emailed the host to complain -- not about the crack, but about the quality of the crack. It seems that the cracker didn't do a very good job and made the software less desirable. The developer was apparently horrified that his product, with his name, was going out to people and would ruin his product's good reputation, and demanded that if someone was going to crack it, that they needed to do a better job! 2ff7e9595c